Who to Inform
We are here to help you with all the processes leading up to the funeral
Who to Inform
We are here to help you with all the processes leading up to the funeral
Who should you inform?
Immediately after a death can be a difficult time and thinking of all the places to inform is sometimes the last thing you feel like doing. Over the years we have found the following list has been helpful for our customers. Many of the items on the list are vital if the deceased lived alone and leaves an empty house. (Which of these will require a death certificate or any other information?)
If someone dies in a hospital, care home or hospice:
A member of the nursing staff will contact a doctor to attend and certify death to enable a Certificate Of Death to be issued. Once the doctor has attended we can then move the deceased to our Chapel of Rest. The nursing or care staff will inform the family when and where the Certificate Of Death may be collected.
Those who may register are:
- A relative of the deceased.
- A person present at death.
- A person arranging the funeral (this does not mean the Funeral Director).
- In certain circumstances others, such as the Administrators of Residential Care Homes may register the death.

Head Office:
Sherwood House, 119 Victoria Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 1SP
Chapel of Rest:
6/8 Sherwood Street, Scarborough North Yorkshire, YO11 1SR
Opening Times:
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment only
G. Roberts Independent Family Funeral Directors is a trading name of Roberts Funerals Limited (13997620)